Practices that show evidence of effectiveness in improving public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting, as indicated by achievement of aims consistent with the objectives of the activities, and are suitable for adaptation by other communities.

Cultural Sources of Strength and Resilience: A Case Study of Holistic Wellness Boxes for COVID-19 Response in Indigenous Communities

Aulandez, K., Walls, M. L., Weiss, N. M., Sittner, K. J., Gillson, S. L., Tennessen, E. N., Maudrie, T. L., Leppi, A. M., Rothwell, E. J., Bolton-Steiner, A. R., Gonzalez, M. B.

Release Date:

Case Study

Outreach/ Education/ Communications
Healthcare Access and Quality
Social and Community Context
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Mitigation and Prevention

In response to the pandemic the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health Great Lakes Hub coordinated with community members to identify contents to be collected and distributed in the form of a care box to members in the local Indigenous community. These boxes contained items intended to connect to cultural resilience for adults and children, such as sage, essential oil, written wisdom from elders, cultural food and recipes, and children’s storybooks. Boxes also included items like face masks, soaps, and/or hand sanitizer.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Advancing Racial Equity, Partnership Building, Reduction of Health Disparities

Priority Population(s)

American Indian

Setting(s) of Implementation


Geographic Area of Implementation

Implementation Period