Practices that show evidence of effectiveness in improving public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting, as indicated by achievement of aims consistent with the objectives of the activities, and are suitable for adaptation by other communities.

Harris County Institutionalizes Health Equity through Organizational Transformation

Human Impact Partners

Release Date:

Case Study

Organizational Change/ Development
Economic Stability
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Infrastructure Support

This case study outlines how the Harris County Public Health Department (HCPH), Texas, developed and championed health equity-focused policies, structures, staffing positions, and trainings. In addition to outlining specific resources and frameworks other health departments can use, the report notes that HCPH used their health equity policy and procedures to redesign their response to the Zika virus.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Improve Organizational Infrastructure

Priority Population(s)

Setting(s) of Implementation


Geographic Area of Implementation


Implementation Period
