Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and produce early results that are consistent with the objectives of the activities and thus indicate effectiveness.

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in State-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Rates and Their Association With Structural Racism

Siegel, M., Critchfield-Jain, I., Boykin, M., Owens, A., Muratore, R., Nunn, T., Oh, J.

Release Date:

Peer Review Study

Healthcare Access and Quality
Social and Community Context
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Data Collection and Reporting

In this paper, the authors explore the relationships between structural racism and the Black-White disparity and Hispanic-White disparity in COVID-19 vaccination rates across 45 U.S. states. The authors use racially stratified vaccination data to conduct a detailed exploration of vaccination disparities within the United States for both the non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic populations compared to the non-Hispanic White population.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Advancing Racial Equity

Priority Population(s)

Black or African American, Hispanic, Latino, or Latinx

Setting(s) of Implementation

Geographic Area of Implementation

Implementation Period