Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and produce early results that are consistent with the objectives of the activities and thus indicate effectiveness.

The Process of Responding to COVID-19 Misinformation in a Social Media Feed

Buller, D., Pagoto, S., Walkosz, B., Woodall, W., Berteletti, J., Kinsey, A.,Henry, K., DiVito, J.

Release Date:

Peer Review Study

Data Collection and Analysis
Social and Community Context
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Data Collection and Reporting

A 9-week social media campain promoting COVID-19 prevention to mothers of teen daughters was found to increase exposure to credible online information online. This campaign effectively used an epidemiological model for monitoring, diagnosing, and responding to misinformaiton from mothers on COVID-19.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Reduction of Health Disparities

Priority Population(s)

Setting(s) of Implementation


Geographic Area of Implementation

Implementation Period