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Promising Practices that show evidence of effectiveness in improving public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting, as indicated by achievement of aims consistent with the objectives of the activities, and are suitable for adaptation by other communities.
Implementation Guide
Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) is a national initiative funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and co-led by the Michigan Public Health Institute and the Illinois Public Health Institute. Created in 2015, DASH promotes and supports multisector data-sharing ecosystems with the goal of fostering more equitable, informed decision-making practices and ultimately improving community health outcomes. They provide financial support, technical assistance, resources, and programming to help foster community collaborations around data-sharing. Their website features information on their two active funding programs, a link to the DASH data-sharing framework and accompanying webinars, as well as information about their knowledge-sharing platform, DASH Knowledge Base, that is still in development. DASH is a great resource for organizations and community leaders seeking guidance on how to foster relationships and enhance data sharing capabilities between governments, community-based organizations, and other local players.
Promising Practices that show evidence of effectiveness in improving public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting, as indicated by achievement of aims consistent with the objectives of the activities, and are suitable for adaptation by other communities.
Implementation Guide
This resource provides guidance on how to care for children in foster care during COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic, caring for children in foster care was a challenge due to the changes brought about by social distancing and other measures. Children in foster care may have experienced adversity and trauma, making them more vulnerable to the effects of these changes. To help children in foster care during this difficult time, it is important to stay connected through virtual means, look for signs of stress, establish daily routines, reassure them, seek extra help if needed, have a back-up plan for emergencies, ensure safety and security, maintain family connections through in-person or virtual visits, and weigh the risks of in-person visits based on COVID-19 guidance. It is also essential to take care of oneself as a caregiver.
Emerging Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and produce early results that are consistent with the objectives of the activities and thus indicate effectiveness.
Implementation Guide
This guidebook was designed to increase equity and access in COVID-19 testing and contact tracing in Virginia. The guidelines included a health equity framework, recommendations for working with communities, common barriers to COVID-19 testing faced by the most at-risk populations, and how to identify areas with unmet testing needs. Descriptions of how to determine appropriate interventions for testing, contact tracing, and building trusting community relationships are included.
Novel Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and are in the process of generating evidence of effectiveness or may not yet be tested.
Implementation Guide
This article describes how Delaware’s Department of Public Health tracks geographic areas with low vaccination uptake and compares this data with information on areas of high social vulnerability as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Social Vulnerability Index. The department also works with federally qualified health centers, providers, and pharmacies to deliver services to historically marginalized populations in the state.